Amalgam fillings in the lower jaw can often be seen when we talk or laugh. But amalgam fillings can also sometimes be seen in the upper jaw. These can be unsightly and can also discolour the tooth. Composite (White) fillings are available to improve this.
Amalgam to Composite
Bonded Crown
The damaged tooth is prepared. A crown with a metal base and porcelain coating is made. The crown is fixed in place. Under certain lighting, the metal base can sometimes be seen.
Sometimes teeth are lost. The adjacent teeth are prepared. A Bridge is made which exactly matchs the space ... ... and is fitted across the gap.
Crown Margin
Over time the gum can recede away from the crown ... ... this is known as the crown margin. The old crown can be removed ... ... and a new, deeper crown fitted to cover this area.
Fibre Post With Net
A large tooth may need to be root-treated and crowned. If there is insufficient tooth left to secure the crown ... ... the root canals can be filled with fibre bridge material. This is hardened with a bright light ... ... then placed back in position. The other root canals are filled in the same way. As the Composite material is built up, a net is added to increase strength. The net is pushed into the Composite and more material added The Composite is prepared to receive the new crown. The new crown is fitted.
Gold Inlay
The broken or decayed tooth is prepared. An Inlay is made and fitted to the tooth. Gold or white inlays are available.
Posterior Crown
The tooth is prepared. A crown is made ... ... and fitted to the tooth.
Anterior Crown
The tooth is prepared ... ... and an impression taken. A crown is made from the impression ... ... and fitted to the tooth.
A broken tooth. A transparent tube is positioned ... ... into which composite material is applied. This is hardened using a bright light ... ... and is shaped as necessary.
Chipped Tooth Options
If you have a chipped tooth, or maybe other damage or white fillings ... ... there are a number of ways of solving this problem. The chipped area could be repaired with bonding material. The tooth could be prepared and a Crown made. Or a veneer could be made ... ... which is fixed to the front of the tooth and looks very natural.
Fibre Bridge
Sometimes the most sensitive way to fill a gap ... ... is to utilise fillings that already exist in adjacent teeth. These fillings are removed and matching 'wings' attached to the bridge ... ... which fit into the spaces.
Full Onlay
Depending on the extent of the repair required ... ... sometimes the full top surface of the tooth is removed. A Full Onlay is then produced to replace the biting surface.
Missing Tooth Options
When a tooth is missing ... ... there are usually a number of solutions available. You could have a false tooth made and fitted to a plate. Alternatively a Bridge can be fitted to an adjacent tooth. Or you could have an Implant which doesn't affect the adjacent teeth.
White Inlay
The broken or decayed tooth is prepared. An Inlay is made and fitted to the tooth. White or Gold inlays are available.
Bridges Factsheet
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